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It's time to party!

Card games to forever kill crap parties...

Let's play!

WTF is Malivah?

Your Source for Fun Gatherings!

Malivah is a party game set to enjoy with your favourite people and your favourite beverages. Malivah comes in 4 card decks all designed to create memorable moments and exciting experiences.

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Our Games

How to Play

The Malivah Party Pack contains 4 games:

  1. Never have I ever (108 unique cards)

  2. Truth or dare (108 unique cards; 52 truth cards, 52 dare cards)

  3. King's Cup (52 kings cup cards)

  4. Playing cards to play endless games (52 standard deck cards)

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Gather your fave party pals and sit around a surface of some kind. On the surface, grab the Kings Cup card deck and fan the cards out in a circle. Put a large cup in the middle of the circle. Each player then takes turns drawing a card from the circle and following the instruction on the card. Whoever pulls a Kings Cup card, must pour some of their fave beverage into the cup. Player to draw the last King must drink and finish the center cup.

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This deck contains 108 cards. Each player takes turns drawing a card and reading it out to the group; “Never Have I Ever failed a class or been fired”. If any of the cards applies to a player, that player must confess by drinking from their beverage.


Adventure - Free

This deck also contains 108 cards with 54 containing truths and 54 containing dares. Gameplay is simple in that participating players take turns pulling a card from the deck (best if shuffled thoroughly) and following the cards instruction. If a player refuses to follow the instruction, they must take a shot as a punishment. For players who are not drinking beverages, they may allocate someone as their buddy who must drink FOR them.

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No one should miss out because you're broke...

Download our cards here're welcome!

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